PBL Needs Assessment

Survey Your School - Are you ready for PBL?

Download a Free Suite of Resources for a School Culture Needs Assessment

  • Example of a Completed Needs Assessment

  • All of the Tools You Need to Complete YOUR Needs Assessment

  • Video Series to Help You Implement YOUR Needs Assessment

  • Completely free!

  • Typically, $5,000+

Magnify Learning PBL Project Based Learning testimonial. "The training gave me clear action steps moving forward."
Magnify Learning PBL Project Based Learning testimonial "For a district to sustain a PBL culture, strategies should be in place to provide benchmarks of learning and next steps throughout the journey. Magnify Learning as taken us past a one time event to the ongoing culture of learning necessary to sustain PBL."
Magnify Learning PBL Project-Based Learning testimonial "I loved the opportunity that we had to work with one another and also seek feedback."

What do you need to become the school you want to be?

Ask your admin team...

Ask your teachers....

Ask your students...

Get the answers to help you lead well!